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Sabtu, 13 Jun 2015

~~ I Think I love You By Byul ~~

upss jangan lah terkejut tetiba update ni..
sebenarnya nak share satu lagu by Byul..
sape yang minat tengok citer korea tajuk FULL HOUSE mybe tahu kot lagu ni..
tapi aku dapat tahu lagu ni masa aku search byul & haha..
sebab aku peminat RUNNING MAN.. selalu jugak research pasal member RM..
Untuk makluman korang lagu ni in Korean tapi aku google cari terjemahan dia in english..
nak dengar lagu ni klik je video kat bawah okey..!! ^_^


I refused to believe that it could be so,
There's no way that I'm in love with you,
I lied to myself that it's just a petty jealousy,
That I must be feeling lonely, but I cannot hide it anymore.

I think I love you
But it must be so, cause I miss you
Without you,
I cannot do anything,
And you are always on my mind,
So seeing this, it must be,
I was unaware,
But now I can see that
Your presence have delved deeply into my heart.

We are not meant for each other, and being friends is the best thing for us,
There isn't a single thing we have in common,
So I claimed there's no way we can be lovers,
But I don't want to make excuses anymore.

I think I love you
But it must be so, cause I miss you
Without you,
I cannot do anything,
And you are always on my mind,
So seeing this, it must be,
I was unaware,
But now I can see that
Your presence have delved deeply into my heart.

Why didn't I know that it was you,
Why couldn't I see it when it was right in front of me,
It was beside me all along,
But only now can I see love.

I think I love you
But it must be so, cause I miss you
Without you,
I cannot do anything,
And you are always on my mind,
So seeing this, it must be,
I was unaware,
But now I can see that
Your presence have delved deeply into

Jumaat, 8 Mei 2015


ASSALAMUALAIKUM and Selamat Sejahtera..
Hai gegirlz and boboyz..
i'm back..!!! 
hahaha funny.. 
aku tak menghilang pun tapi tetiba kata aku dah balikkan.. 
mesti korang nak tahu what the meaning of the Title right??
no? xdek rasa excited pun pasal tajuk tu?? 
sampai hati.. (majok ngan korang sesaat..  )
okey sesaat dah tamat.. 
sambung balik citer, aku nak jadi penasihat cinta.. 
Uuuuppppssss.. sorry..
sorry sangat kalau ada yang dah tergelak sampai tergolek jatuh bawah katil..
and tak payah la nak gosok mata sangat nanti tersembur keluar pulak biji mata tu..
kenapa aku buat keputusan macam ni??
sebab aku rasa aku ni pandai bagi nasihat kat orang..
(perasan jap..)
so this is the beginning..



Rabu, 25 Disember 2013

Salam Perkenalan

"Salam Perkenalan"


Mula-mula aku nak ucapkan terima kasih sebab sudi berkunjung ke blog aku yang tak seberapa ni.. kalau TERsinggah tu pura-pura la buat diri korang memang nak jenguk ke blog aku ni.. hehehehe (nak jaga hati aku yang kecik ni.. Walaupun badan besar, aku ni cepat touching tau) huhuhu acah je, lantak korang la kalau korang terus pangkah blog aku ni tanpa baca isi dalam ni sebab aku tak suka la nak paksa orang yang tak sudi kan.. eh eh, tengok aku touching dah.. hakhakhakhak 
Mesti ada yang sok sek sok sek kata macam ni :

"belum ape-ape lagi dah touching.. senget betul tuan blog nie.."

"entah pape tah.."

"Betul ke tidak budak nie?"

dan macam-macam lagi la.. tapi aku tak kesah sebab tu menunjukkan korang dah baca isi kandungan post aku nie.. huhuhuhu terima kasih, arigato, xiexie, thank you, syukran dan seangkatan dengannyalah.. 

Di awal post aku ni, aku menghulurkan salam perkenalan kepada tetamu-tetamu yang berkunjung ke Myra Atiera World..

Selain tu, sudi-sudilah berkunjung ke dunia Myra Atiera yang lain ye..

~~ Selamat Meneroka ~~